February 01, 1992

Velo Theatre

Enveloppes et Deballage
Cottage Theatre

Velot Theatre consists of director Tania Castaing and actor Charlot Lemoine and between them they construct tales of whimsy and imagination. In Enveloppes et Deballages- wrappings and unwrappings- they create what they call a `theatre of objects.’

Lemoine is a dreamy postman with a bicycle loaded with parcels. Amidst a hubbub of bird twitterings, cat yowls and what have you, he discovers smoke coming from a huge cardboard container. When he opens it he reveals a jungle landscape complete with puffing volcano. In amongst the paper mache undergrowth he finds rubber frogs, mechanical birds, a dragon with eyes that glow in the dark and a remote-controlled jeep full of explorers in pith helmets.

Velo use a wacky array of kitsch toys and gizmos- and a heap of undelivered mail- to tell a tall tale of a bird and a dragon who leave the jungle, cross a sea of blue cellophane and end up in a circus. This is the wonderfully daggy theatre of anti-illusion. Velo are fresh and inventive- and, while they sound like kids’ stuff, it’s all part and parcel of the fun.

Murray Bramwell

“Velo is French for a bundle of fun .”
Four stars.

The Advertiser, February 28, 1992.

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