February 20, 2010

Royal Ruin

King Lear
By William Shakespeare
State Theatre Company
Dunstan Playhouse. November 5.

Reviewed by Murray Bramwell

Unlike the other Shakespearean heavyweights, Lear is the tragedy of a kingdom, not an individual. When the old man makes the fateful decision to divide jurisdiction of his land, he sunders it – and all hell breaks lose. When the power is fragmented it turns against itself. Legitimacy is replaced by civil strife, the chain of being is catastrophically overturned.

In State Theatre’s production …

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Death and Delusions

The Memory of Water
by Shelagh Stephenson
State Theatre Company of SA
Dunstan Playhouse. August 4

The Hypochondriac
by Moliere, adapted by Paul Galloway
Brink Productions
The Space. August 5

Arabian Night
By Roland Schimmelpfennig
Accidental Productions
The Bakehouse. August 13

Reviewed by Murray Bramwell

A death in the family is not only a time of sadness, it also brings together friends, relatives, estranged siblings and blasts from the past. Old griefs  join new ones, past memories are not only …

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