March 02, 2006

Adelaide Fringe 06

Filed under: Archive,Fringe

Murray Bramwell

The Bogus Woman
By Kay Adshead
Leicester Haymarket Theatre
February 26. Tickets $8 – $20
Fringe Tix 8418 8666. Until March 10

4.48 Psychosis
By Sarah Kane
Brink Productions
Queen’s Theatre, Adelaide
February 26, Tickets $18 – $24
Fringe Tix 8418 8666. Until March 12

Absence and Presence
Devised by Andrew Dawson
Queen’s Theatre, Adelaide
February 26. Tickets $18.50 – $26.50
Fringe Tix 8418 8666. Until March 4

Queen’s Theatre, Adelaide
February 26. Tickets $16 – $20.…

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March 01, 2006

Combing the Fringe

Filed under: Archive,Fringe

Murray Bramwell previews the 2006 Adelaide Fringe program.

It is hard to know just which part of the word “fringe’ still applies to the now enormous Adelaide Fringe. The name comes from the Edinburgh Festival and Fringe, which Adelaide so closely rivals and resembles and the idea is that the Fringe showcases the more radical, marginal and, shall we say, edgy artists and performances.

That is still a bit true, but also significantly not. The Adelaide Festival has never been …

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