May 30, 1989

Prince Speaks out on Radio

Filed under: Archive,Comedy


At last the full truth can be told. In a two part programme starting tonight (Saturday, August 26)  at 6.30 on ABC Radio National (5CL 729) Prince Belligerent, arguably the least known medieval nonentity since Monty Python’s Sir Notappearinginthisfilm, will be given his historical due.

For reasons which still remain clouded in mystery, the task of presenting Belligerent’s extraordinary story has been entrusted to ABC National’s Comedy Unit in Melbourne. Working from a script by Kevin Nemeth (this is …

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Friendly Fo

Filed under: Archive,Comedy


Mistero Bufo

Lenny Kovner

Lion Theatre

Reviewed by Murray Bramwell

Mistero Bufo, as Lenny Kovner drily informs us, does not translate as Mister Boofhead. The Mysteries  are medieval stories taken  from the Bible and Apochrypha, as well as from   the  lives of the saintly , the bold and the not-so-beautiful. Presented in what began as eisteddfods of community theatre, presided over by a watchful clergy, they grew to become travelling popular entertainment on a scale to rival the Church …

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May 24, 1989

Winning Hearts and Minds


Director Rose Clemente and members of the cast talk with Murray Bramwell about The Heartbreak Kid currently playing at Theatre 62.

It was after presenting Witchplay  for the Fringe season at the Lion Theatre last year that Adelaide actors Rose Clemente and Christina Totos decided to plan further ventures. Witchplay, a solo piece, had been performed by Rose and directed by Christina. Now, for The Heartbreak Kid, the roles are reversed. Along with local performers, Ian Dixon, Maurie Annese …

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May 01, 1989

Staging the Dreams

The 1989 Come Out festival has ended and yet again this remarkable event has focused activities in all areas of youth arts. The more than fifty events involving .hundreds of performers and audiences of many thousands are only part of a chain reaction of activities generated in schools and communities in the metropolitan area and throughout the state.

In fifteen years Come Out has expanded and consolidated such that it is almost taken for granted locally. It is worth saying …

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Catch a Falling Spy

James Bond
The Space, Adelaide Festival Centre.

Britain’s Cliffhanger Theatre Company’s ]ames Bond may not be everybody’s idea of a universal export but will tickle those who like their comedy somewhere between the Goodies and the Spanish Inquisition. Although, unlike the more pugnacious forms of manic English humour, James Bond is low-key, whimsical and gets curiouser and curiouser.

The four Cliffhangers give Ian Fleming’s imperturbable Bond a right old filleting. Pete McCarthy has the familiar tux and grooming but …

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